Monday, June 22, 2009

RTP#36: 10-Day Suspension

Yesterday was the Father's Day and we had lunch at Lolo Dad's place to have a little celebration. I had a great time. And upon arriving back home I went online just to check my FB account and I saw the last thing that I want to see and that would be the announcement of the class suspension due to the A(H1N1) virus.

I should be celebrating after hearing this but I felt really really bad about it. We only have 2 weeks left to this term conclusion. But what can I do this thing is unavoidable. The paranoia that this virus brings to the world really is in a different level. That a rule has been made that once a student or any employee in a school has the virus the class would be suspended for 10 days.

Well looking on the bright side now I will have the time not only to rest because I'm really feeling sick during the past couple of days but also I will have time to blog and to come up with the outline for my book. Yeah I forgot to make an outline for my book how stupid (with the Simon Cowell accent) is that.

I want this break to be productive. Simple as that.

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