Friday, March 26, 2010

RTP#47: Unhook the Hook

Mar. 23, 2010: 11:42

What made me realize about this was an episode from my favorite show HIMYM. Season 5 episode 16 wasn’t that funny for me but the story is what struck me. It is all about getting hooked by someone or you hooking someone. Hook here means getting someone so in to you that they would do everything for you and it happens without you even noticing it.


I was able to notice that I am biting in to someone’s hook but she has the perfect bait for me to bite on. She got me thinking about her all day long, listening to her songs for an hour or so and staring at her pictures every night. Well I’m not saying I am regretting getting hooked by her I’m not even sure if she knows she did. Actually, I always loved it from the little talks we had daily shared laughs, failures and inspiring thoughts to each other. Even though she seemed like the perfect girl for me, I have to pass on making my move on her [for now? (?_?)]. Maybe it’s because I was not able to get her hooked. But I think she’s happy on what’s going on with her life now; I’m happy for her as well and I’m still going to be here for her.


I would let go off this hook and search not for another hook but someone who I can hook while she got me hooked as well. Actually, I was able to find one already and even though it’s hard to let go of the last one, I would still do it for her. [As always] I really think if she’d give this a chance it could work for both of us.


Because of this realization and a little action I’m now off the hook and you know what I feel really good about it. It’s not that I don’t want her in fact I really do but after testing the waters again I must say there’s too much this world can offer and if we really only if we REALLY can’t get what we REALLY want then don’t hesitate to go for another one. Maybe it’s just not meant to be and not yet meant to be but simply not meant to be.


Another thing that I realized is that there’s a lot of interesting things out there that I failed to see when I was hooked and now as if I’m cramming for a project that I am blogging about these things that I missed to take note of.

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