Tuesday, March 10, 2009

EP#27: Bonding Bonding

This happened last March 7, 2009
@ Miel's first birthday in Villa Theresa

Well of course all of us would probably be there

After eating all of us gathered in one table
And began planning on our presentation
Of our grandparents

Then for about an hour
We all left the place
Then decided to go to Island Cove
But we stopped at Alah's place for a while
We had dinner there

Then at around 9:00PM I think
We are already in Island Cove
Then we sang at Island Songs
Had a little drink
A pitcher of frozen margarita
Plus a bottle/can of beer for some
Including me of course :D

Of course being an awesome singer
I scored the highest among all of us :D

You know everyone is just having fun
Not talking about their problems
I myself wanted to have a serious talk with Alah
But I decided not to and just let us
Have a good time that night

Part 2 – At Last The Serious Talk

This happened just about a minute ago
We went to Alah's place to get something
Then the much awaited talk between us happened

From the very moment we sat
I asked him about what's the deal between them

I ain't going to spill the details

Just got to respect the privacy

And I think at some point
He just did the right thing

It is pretty much what happened between me and Che

Even though we can push through it
It is not the right thing to do

And I almost heard the same things that Che said to me

I know how bad it hurts
But after looking in the bright side

I saw and appreciated what she did

It was the right thing
And I know it's hard
But sometimes you just have to deal with it

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