Sunday, March 22, 2009

RTP#26: How Would I Deal With Celebrities?

I really am dreaming about getting famous
And it is stated in RTP#11: Golden Post
All the things that I would do to gain fame

And in EP#34 we went to Makati
And Kuya Marvin had a haircut in Bench Fix Lab

And then I was told that
That particular branch was built
So that it could extend work hours
And accommodate the celebrities that wants a treatment

So knowing that scenario
T-Tin told me that if I want to
Bump into a celebrity I should have my haircut there
And I should have it like 9:00PM

But here's what I thought
I found that situation really interesting
And just after a short time I came up with this

I approached T-Tin and said
If I'm going to encounter a celebrity
I would tell him/her this

"Hi, I'm Awesome and I'm the future of your industry.
You don't know me, yet. But soon you will. Just wait for it,
wait for it."

Then all of a sudden I will leave the area :D

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