Friday, December 19, 2008

RP#4-1: Eternal Red-- Crashed!!!

This about the game that I played
At newgrounds and at kontraband

A defense game and also a shooter
You can bulid turrets and floor traps
And give your character a gun

Here are a bunch of tips:

Your turrets should only be machine guns
With range 1, damage 10 and attack rate 10
Cheap yet high-damaging even on flying enemies

Floor traps at start should be like this
Then when you want to continue from lvl 70
Make it slow,spike,slow,spike,slow,spike

Use only 2 cash guns
And when already finished buying everything
Replace it with two machine guns again

Buy a shotgun max it out
Then aim at the center
Click rapidly
Let the splashing bullets do the job
Don't follow the enemy once it pass you
Stay at one place
Let your turrets and traps finish it

My Enter Red Experience:

Here's how it ended

It crashed!!! I ended up submitting my high-score
Through email and followed the instructions
I hope they would really add my score on their list

My final score was 2,039,700 (should be 4th on the All Time List)
But with 26 lives left
The All Time highest score is around 2,190,000
So if I was able to finish the game
I will be the All Time score leader of that game

Somehow I am disappointed
But I'll play it one more time
Just to set the All Time scoring record


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