Tuesday, December 16, 2008

RTP#6: Only 3 Times A Week

This is about my school schedule for the next term
Which I don't like by the way
But I got no choice
Because I am only left with this

Due to the technical problems that MyMapua
Is always experiencing every pre-enrollment

But so far this is the worst schedule that I got

It ain't that bad you know

I just don't like it

I only have 3 school days which are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Let me start breaking down with the subjects
That I am going to have
In these three long days

7:30AM - 9:00AM : Math22
9:00AM - 10:30AM: Vacant
10:30AM- 12:00PM: Hum10
12:00PM- 1:30PM : Hum11
1:30PM - 3:00PM : COE116

And every Wednesday and additional class

4:30PM - 7:30PM : COE116L

That is the big difference maker
Every Wednesdays I'll be in school for 12 hours

Glad I still managed to get 13 units
And yes I am ready for this term

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